Who are the Grey Bruce internet providers and how do you know what they offer and if they offer internet where you live or work?
Updated | Apr 23/24: Fibre implemented by GBTel in my home & sale of Bruce Telecom completed.
That was my question when we moved back to the Grey Bruce area in July 2021. But, because this is rural Ontario there’s more to consider than just knowing who can provide Internet access to your home or business. And, just because you see a truck driving by with the name of an ISP (Internet Service Provider) it doesn’t mean they offer Internet in your area.
It’s not that easy to find a full range of providers in the Grey Bruce area. So, I’ve created this post to help. This post is part of a broadband research project being conducted by yours truly. If you’d like to learn more about this study send me a note or you can follow my Twitter thread.
There is a patchwork of internet providers in Grey Bruce and this post is designed to help you narrow down your search quickly. So let’s dig in!
Grey Bruce Internet Providers: Bell | Bruce Street Technologies | Bruce Telecom | Eastlink | GB Tel | HuronTel | Rogers | RuralNet | Starlink | Swift Broadband | Telesat | Wightmen | Xplornet
Added Mar 24/22
Bell is now aggressively promoting their rural internet offering locally via door to door selling and via print advertising Grey-Bruce This Week
Grey-Bruce Service areas: Meaford, Chatsworth and Flesherton (as advertised)
Offices: Owen Sound
Offering: Internet, Phone, TV
Customers: Residential
Internet Types: Fixed Wireless (TBC)
Network Maps: Not available
More Info: Website | 866-210-7060 | Contact Us
Comments: Enter your address on their website to see if the service is available in your area.
Bruce Street Technologies
Added: Dec 11/21
Bruce Street Technologies Limited has always listened and responded to the concerns of our local communities. We grew up in these rural regions and still have family and friends living in these underserved areas. Through considerable investment and testing, we are proud to say we have been able to offer affordable, reliable, wireless high speed Internet access since 2007.
Grey-Bruce Service areas: Town of Blue Mountains, Meaford, Thornbury
Offices: Meaford
Offering: Internet, Phone, TV
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: Fixed Wireless, Fibre
Network Maps: Not available
More Info: Website | 519-599-3689 | Contact Us
Comments: An independent ISP founded in 2007. I learned about them from a very happy customer located just outside of Meaford.
Bruce Telecom
Updated: Apr 23/24
Bruce Telecom is the region’s local communications leader. We’re still in the telephone business, but are so much more. We represent all of the ways that people connect together and feel a sense of belonging.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Chesley, Hepworth, Kincardine (spotty in some areas), Meaford, Owen-Sound, Paisley, Port-Elgin, Sauble-Beach, Southampton, Tara, Tiverton, Wiarton
Offices: Tiverton, ON; Port Elgin, ON; Kincardine, ON
Offering: Internet, Digital TV, Cellular, Telephone
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: Not disclosed on their website but my research, so far, has them offering DSL for residential and Fibre for business.
Network Maps: Not available
More Info: Website | 866-517-2000 | Contact Us
Comments: Apr 23/24 Bruce Telecom completes sale to Windsor Private Capital.
Bruce Telecom is a public utility that is wholly owned by the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine. The company is controlled and managed at arm’s length through a Council appointed Municipal Services Board which was established in 2006 through By-Law No. 2006-266.
Added: Jul 4/23
Eastlink is a proud Canadian, family-owned technology and communications company. Powered by state-of-the-art fibre optic and mobile networks and driven by its core spirit of entrepreneurialism, Eastlink delivers world-class communications services, including high speed internet, mobile, TV, phone, data services, security and smart home solutions and to residential to business and public sector customers in seven provinces across Canada and Bermuda. Recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies, Eastlink shares local and regional stories on Community TV about the people, places and events that shape the communities it serves.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Bruce County
Offices: Timmins, ON;
Offering: Internet, Digital TV, Cellular, Telephone
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: Fixed Wireless, Fibre
Network Maps: None available
More Info: Website | 888.345.1111 Residential | 877.813.1727
Comments: It's not clear what Eastlink offers in Bruce County and what municipalities they deliver those services to. You'll need to contact them via phone or try their chat app on their website. We've reached out to them for more information on their current coverage in Bruce and Grey counties and if they have a physical presence or not. See this August 2022 article from the Saugeen Times: Eastlink expands ongoing services in rural Canada.
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Grey Bruce Telecom (GBTel)
Updated: Apr 23/24
GBTel provides rural wireless high-speed internet to homes, cottages, businesses and farms in areas of Owen Sound, and Grey and Bruce counties, that have been neglected by other companies.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Allenford, Annan, Alvanley, Arkwright, Arran, Lake Balaclava, Bass Lake, Bognor, Carsons Campground, Chatsworth, Chesley Lake, Clarksburg, Clavering, Colpoy’s Bay, Desboro, Dobbinton, Elsinore, Francis Lake, French Bay, Gould Lake, Hepworth, Hoath Head, Hogg, Holland Centre, Howdenvale, Jackson, Keady, Kilsyth, Leith, Lincoln Park(?), Massie, Meaford, Mennonite Corner, Oliphant, Park Head, Ravenna, Red Bay, Rockford, Sauble Beach, Shallow Lake, Tara, Thornbury, Walter’s Falls, Wiarton, Williamsford, Woodford
Offices: Owen Sound, ON
Offering: Internet, Telephone
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: Fixed Wireless; Fibre
Network Maps: Fixed Wireless | Fibre
More Info: Website | 519-378-1410
Comments | Apr 23/24: I've been a customer of GBTel since 2021 starting with Fixed Wireless access but earlier this year we upgraded to Fibre resulting in significant increase in bandwidth. The sales and support team are responsive and helpful. They are building their fibre plant out with funding from Swift Broadband.
Past GBTEL Speed Tests:
FIBRE: Apr 23/24: 275 Mbps down / 270 Mbps up
Jul 4/23: 50.44 Mbps down / 14.63 Mbps up
May 14/23: 52.02 Mbps down speed and 14.62 Mbps up
Nov 17/22: 31.19 Mbps down / 14.74 Mbps Up
Jul 3/22: 29.17 Mbps Down / 14.80 Up
Mar 24/22: 26.98 Mbsp Down / 7.58 Mbps Up;
Dec 11/21 was 28.38 Mbsp Down / 9.85 Mbps Up.
Updated: Feb 14/21
HurtonTel’s mission is to earn the business of members by promoting a culture of quality service and trust to deliver Best in Class Broadband Telecommunications services.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Walkerton, Zion, Auburn, Goderich, Wingham, Union, Ripley, Kincardine (will not service north of Hwy 9), Dungannon, Lucknow, Kitchigami, Whitechurch, The Bluffs at Huron
Offices: Goderich, ON; Kincardine, ON; Wingham, ON; Ripley, ON
Offering: Internet, Digital TV, Cellular, Telephone
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: Fixed Wireless; Fibre
Network Maps: Fixed Wireless | Fibre
More Info: Website | 877-395-3800 | Contact Us
Comments: Cooperative! Founded over 100 years ago.
Added May 30/23
Rogers are aggressively advertising their “fast and reliable” Internet locally on radio and in the Grey-Bruce This Week newspaper.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Unknown
Offices: Owen Sound, Collingwood
Offerings: Unknown
Customers: Residential, Commercial
Internet Types: Unknown
Network Maps: None available
More Info.: Website | Contact Us
Comments: Specific details on what Rogers offers for rural residences and businesses is too difficult to find.
Rural Net
Added Jul 3/22
Rural Net is a local, Flesherton based, Internet Service Provider. They use only Canadian designed and manufactured equipment when possible. They hold a BITS license with the C.R.T.C. Local service and support is available 24/7 for emergencies. Free technical support during business hours. They have no term contracts or cancellation fees. Satisfaction guaranteed, or cancel at no cost. Package speeds that are offered will be available at all times, guaranteed.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Grey County but specific municipalities unknown.
Offices: Flesherton
Offering: Internet
Customers: Residential
Internet Type: Fixed Wireless
Network Maps: Not available
More Info: Website | 855-557-8725
Comments: Learned about this provider from a billboard ad in Grey County. In order to know whether they cover your area you’ll need to fill out a form.
Wightman Telecom
Added: Nov 6/21
Wightman is a company founded on the “people come first” principle. Imagine, a Telecom company that has real, live people who will answer your call. A local company that is just a short drive or call away.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Ayton, Carlsruhe, Formosa, Hanover, Mildmay, Newstadt, Owen Sound, Silent Valley Park, Teeswater, Walkerton.
Offices: Clifford, Arthur, Hanover, Orangeville, Fergus, Stratford
Offering: Internet, Phone, TV, Mobile, Security, Web Hosting, Co-location
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: DSL, Fibre
Network Maps: None available
More Info: Website | 888-477-2177
Comments: A really cool family owned private business started in the early 1920s. Learn more about Weightman’s roots.
Update: May 30/23
Headquartered in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Xplornet Communications Inc. is one of Canada’s leading broadband service providers. For over a decade, Xplornet has been providing innovative broadband solutions to rural customers at work, home and play across Canada. Today, Xplornet offers voice and data communication services through its unique wireless and satellite network that connects Canadians to what matters.
Grey-Bruce Service Areas: Currently unable to provide a list here. You can check if they cover your area here. See their July 2021 press release on their plans to provide 50/10 Mbps speeds to 300,000 homes in rural areas across Ontario.
Offices: Markham, ON; Woodstock, NB
Offering: Internet, Telephone
Customers: Residential, Business
Internet Types: Satellite, Fixed Wireless
Network Maps: None available.
More Info: Website | 877-969-3152 | Contact Us
Comments: We’ve yet to find anyone who is satisfied with this company. I know of one person, in her home, that used Bruce Telecom and Xplornet in order to get a service level close to what she needs for her family. Two ISPs! They are building their fibre plant out with funding from Swift Broadband.
Other providers
The following ISPs have been confirmed as providing service in Grey Bruce. I’ll be getting more details for each and will update this post.
Starlink: It is available in some areas in Grey Bruce. You’ll need to go to their website and enter your postal code to see if it’s available or not. If it is, you can order the dish and the service. If not, you can put down a deposit and you’ll be notified when the service is available. Elon Musk uses this approach to pre-sell new Tesla models as well.
Telesat: An alternative satellite service to Starlink was announced in August 2021 that will be available in 2024.
Swift Broadband: Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) is a non profit municipally-led broadband expansion project created to improve internet connectivity in underserved communities and rural areas across Southwestern Ontario. See Canada and Ontario Increasing Access to High-Speed Internet in Bruce and Grey Counties.
About this post
I moved back to Grey Bruce in the summer of 2021 and continue on my entrepreneurial path which includes the continued development of my ventures including Mi6.
When it came to Internet service I was spoiled when living and working in Oakville. Broadband speeds were in excess of 300Mbps down! When we moved to Grey Bruce we were surprised with the speeds we were getting at our rural home.
Discussions with neighbours combined with my experience and interest in technology led me on this journey of finding out where things are at when it comes to high speed internet in rural areas like Grey Bruce.
I hope you get value from this post and the research I’m doing on Grey Bruce internet providers.
About the Author
Chris Herbert spearheads Mi6 Agency, emphasizing small business growth and entrepreneurship. On the agency's blog, he offers practical marketing insights and solutions to unique challenges faced by businesses. Herbert advocates for sustainable and responsible growth. His "Rural Entrepreneur Podcast" extends this mission, providing essential advice and experiences for entrepreneurs. He adopts a comprehensive approach, focusing on building sustainable businesses, community engagement, and active participation in entrepreneurial ventures.